File / Stock Photos
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For some legal cases a client is looking for a particular date. Be sure to let me know this when placing a request.
I cover the entire state of New Mexico. I have file photos of many NM Cities including, Santa Fe, Las Cruces, Soccoro, T or C and Farmington most recently. Other cites I have include Roswell, Carlsbad, Hobbs, Grants, Gallup, Taos and Espanola.
In a continuing effort to make ordering an image easy, please use the Site Locator Tool below.
As with any image we create, it can be obtained in digital form or we can make the required prints and also add graphics to help the image tell the complete story.
Use the Site Locator link below to show us the boundaries of the area you need.In the address bar of the Site Locator Tool, enter the address, city, state. Once the site is located, left click on each corner of the property. To complete the outline, left click on the first point. This will help us identify what the exact subject property area is.
- Coors & Montano 1986